Disruptive Innovation is the over-arching flavour at MarkCraft! We strive to be innovative at every step of our engagement, in order to provide a superior design, more efficient methodologies and highly cost-effective services. All these help you maximize ROI from your technologyinvestments.

  • Technology expertise – From legacy languages or software to more modern, in-demand technologies, MarkCraft’s expertise spands a wide range of technologies and domains.
  • Delivery Models – We offer engagement models such as fixed bid, Time & Material, Risk & Reward sharing and Outsourced Development Centre to best suit your unique needs.
  • Right-sourcing – Our associates can be deployed in a mix of onsite, offsite, onshore and near-shore to suit your requirement and budget.
  • Project Management Methodologies – We are equally comfortable with Agile, Waterfall and Rapid Prototyping methodologies for Project Management.
  • Technically qualified team – Our associates come from reputed Universities or Colleges, have the relevant technical expertise, certification and experience to do a great job.
  • Collaborative style of working – We work closely with your teams in a professional and transparent manner to ensure speed, efficiency and effectiveness.