Intro to R Programming
About This Course
R Programming for Data Science & Data Analysis. Applying R for Statistics and Data Visualization with GGplot2 in R
Learning Objectives
Learn the fundamentals of programming in R
Work with R’s conditional statements, functions, and loops
Build your own functions in R
Get your data in and out of R
Learn the core tools for data science with R
Manipulate data with the Tidyverse ecosystem of packages
Systematically explore data in R
The grammar of graphics and the ggplot2 package
Visualise data: plot different types of data & draw insights
Transform data: best practices of when and how
Index, slice, and subset data
Learn the fundamentals of statistics and apply them in practice
Hypothesis testing in R
Understand and carry out regression analysis in R
Work with dummy variables
Learn to make decisions that are supported by the data!
Have fun by taking apart Star Wars and Pokemon data, as well some more serious data sets
28 Lessons